Gavin Glakas
Cityscape Painting Through Zoom
January 27 - March 24, 2025
6:30 - 9:30 pm EST*
Class Limited to 18 Students
Registration Opens Early December, 2024 - look for announcements on Social Media or sign up for newsletter

I’ve always wanted to teach a cityscape class but it seemed that the logistics would be a nightmare: parking, bathrooms, lost students, rainstorms, all of the difficulties of painting downtown at night and, trust me, there are many.
However, this class was made for Zoom! I’m going to take you through my entire process and help you learn how to take an idea and turn it into reality. The plan is to finish one ambitious landscape over the course of the term.
I will meet with you throughout the course to give you feedback on your work and to draw on your painting in Photoshop on a shared screen!
We’ll talk about your overall objective for the painting. Do you want it to feel moody? Majestic? Lonely? Electric? All of the above? Something else entirely? It’s not just the subject matter or even the composition, but the feel that will resonate with the viewer.
We’ll look at your references - photos, sketches, studies and inspiration - and put together a plan of action. We will not be taking photos and simply trying to reproduce them. We need to improve upon them in as many ways as possible.
If your idea doesn’t work as a 30 second thumbnail in a sketchbook or on a napkin, it’s not going to work as a finished painting. We’ll discuss the composition and design elements you’ll need to create a work of art that mesmerizes the viewer.
If you’re not painting from life, you’ll need a color study. What is that? I’ll teach you.
If you do all of the legwork, you’ll be free to paint with reckless abandon or just sit back and watch while it paints itself. When you run into trouble, I’ll be there.
I will start each class with a lecture, followed by a demo and individual feedback and critiques. Each lecture and demo will be recorded so that if you miss a class or the meeting time doesn't work, you will be able to watch and take part in the class on your own time. I will give those students email feedback during the week.
I will give short homework assignments and since there are no grades, it's obviously up to you to decide how much time you have to spend on homework outside of class.
You are free to work in the medium of your choosing. You will definitely need a sketchbook and pencil. Click here for my suggested supply list for painting in oil.
You will not know the dimensions of the canvas you're going to paint on until we have gone over your references and thumbnails, so wait until the second or third week of class to purchase or build a canvas or panel on which to do the final painting.
Email me.
Registration opens in December. I will announce the opening on Instagram, Facebook and my newsletter. If you email ahead of time, I'll include you on a pre-registration email inviting you to register before I open it up to the public.
Each class is open to the first 18 students to register. You may register by paying through PayPal, Venmo or with a personal check.
Email me to register. When you hear back from me with a confirmation, you will be free to submit your payment. I accept students in the order in which I receive their emails.
If you are paying by check: Please email me for my address and to alert me that you are paying by check. I will hold your spot in class.
I am teaching this class privately. Email or call me with questions:

* The lecture/demo portion of the class will be recorded so that if you miss a class or live in a different time zone, you can take part at your convenience. Feedback will be given over email that week.
The first class session will be a one hour meeting where I give an overview of Cityscape/Landscape painting and explain your first assignment and the general goals of the class.